Team Ethiopia 2013 Intro

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First to depart in the last week of May, Candice, Nicci, and Bree Leader, Kelly McGugan, flew out next on June 4 (Pictured with his wife, Heather, who had to stay behind this year) The rest of the team, Joyce, Howard, Liz, Ben, Kelly D, Rachael, Megan, and Brittany, departed on June 6

What would lead twelve individuals of all ages to leave the comforts of their home, give up vacation time to spend 10 days with many people they do not know, and travel 26 hrs to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia?

The answer to this question is a love for Jesus Christ, a call to care for the least of these in obedience to the Gospel, a desire to share the lasting hope received in Jesus, and an interest or passion in the reality that more than 60,000 street children live on the streets of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

So with that in mind, twelve individuals from Central Church in Memphis, TN have done exactly that. These twelve have left their homes, family, and friends behind to travel 26 hours one way to partner with The Forsaken Children and their partner ministry in Ethiopia for a week. On Friday, June 7th around 12:45pm Central Standard Time (Ethiopia is 8hrs ahead of CST) eight members of the team will meet up with their other four team members to officially begin the adventures of Team Ethiopia 2013.

Team Ethiopia 2013 is composed of a mixture of first timers, second timers, and veteran team members. Each day one of the first timers from the team will blog about their experiences and invite you to experience Ethiopia for the first time through their eyes. We invite you to leave a comment or two along the way - the team loves it!

So without further adieu, we introduce you to Team Ethiopia 2013:

Kelly McGoo (veteran), Kelly D (veteran), Ben (2nd timer), Nicci (veteran), Candice (2nd timer), Rachael (1st timer), Megan (1st timer), Brittany (1st timer), Bree (2nd timer), Liz (veteran), Joyce (1st timer), Howard (2nd timer)

Your prayers are greatly appreciated - may God be the glory in all things accomplished through this team and trip!