A New Look


By Heather McGugan

Lasting Hope for Ethiopia

Have you noticed our new look? I certainly hope you have because that would mean you have visited our website in the last month! Central to The Forsaken Children's new look is the new logo pictured here.

Going forward you will see this logo throughout The Forsaken Children's literature - an image, an icon, a symbol that represents all that TFC strives to stand for: LASTING HOPE.

We could not have a new logo without the amazing talent and generosity of a special someone who worked with us without charge to provide TFC with this new look. YOU know who you are and we are so thankful for your heart for the Lord and your donation of talent and time to The Forsaken Children.

So how does this logo represent lasting hope for Ethiopia?

How does it show the mission of TFC?


Our Mission: To advocate for Ethiopia's children and families by walking closely with Christ-centered Ethiopian partners to help them implement three long-lasting interventions: Christ-centered mentoring, Ethiopian family building and strengthening, and project sustaining techniques.

Breaking down the logo:


  • growth

Growth of a tree is often slow and steady. The same is also true for street children. The transformation from living on the streets to living in a home and/or being reintegrated with family takes time. The transformation from lost to found in Christ is also a form of growth and one that can take a slow and steady pace as the layers of an old life are stripped away.

  • life

A tree represents life and The Forsaken Children is all about providing abundant life, both physically and spiritually - through providing food, shelter, education, and more and by sharing the lasting hope of Jesus Christ with the children and families we work with. Our prayer is that they will gain the new life found in Christ Jesus.

  • sustainability

The Kota Ganate Agricultural Project is a huge portion of TFC's pursuits to create sustainable project techniques within Ethiopia. Through the sell of produce, fruit, and other items from the grounds of Kota Ganate, TFC works to strengthen the surrounding communities and their families. Christ-centered ministry and a desire to heal and preserve the endangered yet rich land of Southern Ethiopia fuel this amazing project.


  • Christ Jesus and our relationship as believers with Him

In John 15, Jesus says "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener... I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." The branches of the TFC logo symbolize this relationship with the Lord.

  • TFC

It's a bit abstract but the branches are laid in a pattern that reads "T", "F", "C", which is the shortened lingo for The Forsaken Children.


  • fruit

As John 15 says in verse 8, "If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." With Christ we will grow and bear fruit in our lives. The fruits of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control - will begin to become apparent. TFC works to help encourage fruit in the lives of the children and families we work with in Ethiopia.

  • Ethiopia

The leaves are colored in the colors of the Ethiopian flag: red, yellow, and green. The colors are vibrant and hopeful too.

So what do you think about the new look?

Does the new logo for TFC say anything specific to you?