Team Ethiopia: Arrived Safely, Hit the Ground Running

The following is an update from Team Ethiopia, a small group from Central Church in Memphis, TN, who will be serving as short-term missionaries at Children’s Home Ethiopia in June 2010. We’ve invited our dear friends and ministry partners to post their trip updates and prayer requests here on the TFC blog.  Enjoy…

Greetings from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia!

That's right - the first four of our team members have arrived safe and sound in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia! We were greeted by a more than hospitable group - including Nega (CHE director), Jonathan (Joe's brother), and a few others. Since our arrival, we've gotten settled into the SIM Guesthouse - where we will be staying for the week and enjoyed a lunch there together. We are also running errands to prepare us for the week - internet configuration complete (yay for internet access), some photos printed, stopping by the Drop-In Center to get a feel for the area... and dinner to come.

Looking forward to the rest of our team's arrival tomorrow evening. While waiting for their arrival, we plan on attending church. How cool to worship our Lord in a different nation with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ from all different places.

Until next time,

Team Ethiopia