Team Ethiopia: God Is Our Potter


The following is an update from Team Ethiopia, a small group from Central Church in Memphis, TN, who will be serving as short-term missionaries at Onesimus Children Development Association in June 2011. We’ve invited our dear friends and ministry partners to post their trip updates and prayer requests here on the TFC blog. Enjoy…


God is our potter. He is in complete control of our circumstances. (Jeremiah 18)  He definitely reminded the team of this yesterday. While we wanted "our" plans to play out just  like the itinerary read, God was quick to give us a gentle reminder that He is in control. His plan is bigger. His plan is better.


After a two hour delay in Charlotte on Thursday, we arrived in DC later than expected. Upon arrival in DC, we learned that our flight to Frankfurt was also going to be late leaving. We left DC around 1 am, which was 4 hours late. We knew then that making our connecting flight to Addis was going to be a long shot.


We arrived in Frankfurt around 3 in the afternoon on Friday. And....the adventure began.



Once we got off the airplane in terminal Z, Kelly (McGugan) met an agent at the gate to gain information on our new itinerary. A few moments later, he walked over and shared the news. They had rerouted us to Johannesburg, South Africa! 12 HOURS SOUTH!!!!!!  As you can imagine, we were a bit disgruntled with this news but we powered through to Terminal C to prepare for our next flight. After a tram ride and long walk, we arrived at our gate. Kelly talked to the agent at the gate who told him that the flight would be leaving at 10:45 pm. So, we decided to walk to Terminal A to find out what other information we could get. From there, we went ALL over the Frankfurt airport in search of information. Our fearless leader getting a new game plan as we set up camp at each new post waiting for GOOD news that we would not have to make that extra, unnecessary flight. After 4-5 hours, Kelly M. and KellyD. found someone who was more than willing to help. She handled all of the details. We would NOT have to go to Johannesburg, after all. PRAISE GOD! Instead, we spent the night in Germany at the Holiday Inn Express.


Although yesterday was a very long and tiring day, we, as a team, realize that we have MUCH to be thankful for. We are thankful for team building time we had in the airport. When one of us was hitting a low, another was quick to pick us up. We are thankful for the angels we encountered along the way -- a sweet French lady who was the janitor in the airport bathroom who in her beautiful French accent sang so eloquently and smiled to tell us that she was praising GOD! Praise HIM! Also, a nun who we met while waiting in Frankfurt that we couldn't understand because of language barriers but we gained so much from. She was a missionary heading to Argentina who told Liz and the rest of us that she was praying for us. God was, as always, right there. We are thankful for the dinner we were able to enjoy together as team in Germany and the memories that it provided.


So, most of all, this morning we are just praising Him and thanking Him. We just enjoyed breakfast together and our morning devotion. While we had our heads bowed in prayer, an American man overhead. As we opened our eyes, he was standing next to us, a bowl of cereal in his hands, asking if he could join us. Try to picture this. It was a very moving moment. So, Paul from Delaware joined our devotion time and offered his thanks that after spending a week in Germany in a sea of believers and non-believers, that the presence of God was just what he needed to make his flight back home. Furthermore, Liz charged us that everyday is "moving day" and much like Abraham, it is time to GO!
We are leaving at 2:00 for Addis and we are all rested and excited for what is to come. God has been so present in the few short days since our journey began. We can only imgaine what else he has planned for the next 8 days!!!


Please Continue to Pray for Us:
  • Pray that we keep a good spirit.
  • Pray that we are touched upon our arrival in Ethiopia.
  • Pray for our safe travel.

We love you all!

Team Ethiopia
Written by Nicci, Bree and Morgan