Team Ethiopia: Home, But Not Finished

The following is an update from Team Ethiopia, a small group from Central Church in Memphis, TN, who will be serving as short-term missionaries at Children’s Home Ethiopia in June 2010. We’ve invited our dear friends and ministry partners to post their trip updates and prayer requests here on the TFC blog.  Enjoy…

After more than 30 hours of traveling - yes, you read that correctly - more than 30 hours of travel for Team Ethiopia - we have arrived safely back to Memphis. Although long, the team's travels went well. We began by leaving Addis Ababa on Saturday, which was definitely met with mixed emotions. We arrived at the airport before 8pm (2pm Memphis time) for our 10:15pm departure... turns out, all computer systems were down and our flight did not depart until well past 11:30pm (3:30pm Memphis time). We flew through the night with a stop in Rome for refueling and finally landed on USA soil in Washington DC Sunday morning after almost 16 hours. We then traveled the remaining legs of our journey - first to Charlotte, NC and finally arriving home in Memphis around 6pm.

We're home, but definitely not finished! Each team member has much to process and hash out now that we're home... What does the trip mean? What did God teach us? How do we respond? What do we do now?  Although we're so glad to be along family and friends once again, God was definitely at work within our journey and there is much for us work through. In addition, physically, we will all work on getting back on a Memphis time schedule, after being 8 hours ahead for a week. Please pray that such a transition happens quickly and smoothly, especially because some of our team members are back to work tomorrow (Monday) morning.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support. We serve a mighty God!


Team Ethiopia

1 Thessalonians 2:6